sexta-feira, 20 de abril de 2012




  1. A cidades escolhidas para a Copa do Mundo discordo de algumas como Manaus, Cuiabá,Fortaleza, Natal e Brasilia , o que representam essas cidades no futebol brasileiro?, Que títulos nacionais ou internacionais esses cidades capitais conquistaram? Foi uma decisão política, Santa Catarina especificamente Florianopólis ficou de fora onde o Criciuma já foi Campeão da Copa do Brasil. São coisas da CBF do senhor Ricardo Teixeira.
  2. Às vezes me convenço que a concepção de cidade que eu tenho é bem diferente dos demais até daqueles que estão no poder. Por isso tenho certeza que me identifico mais com outras cidades que com Vacaria/RS.
  3. Acompanhamos ontem o jogo do Glória contra Brasil de Farroupilha, onde a equipe de Vacaria/RS venceu por 2×0, apesar do arbitro muito ruim. O time do Glória de Vacaria é muito bom e de alta qualidade técnica é um forte candidato a subir para primeira divisão. Mas a caminhada do Glória não vai ser fácil pois o apito irá funcionar contra o time de Vacaria/RS e os interesses que algumas praças do futebol gáucho retornem a elite como São Leopoldo, Pelotas,Rio Grande e Bagé.
  4. O voo 447 da Air France é um grande mistério o no meu ponto vista o seu desaparecimento sem lógica e explicação. A gente ouve muitas teses mas não sabemos a verdadeira situação o que aconteceu?
  5. Paulo Furtado
 criado por jornalnegritude     5:56:37 am — Arquivado em: Editorial de Opinião — Editar


Bola Na Arquibancada

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AMUCSER não vai aderir ao Protesto da FAMURS

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AMUCSER não vai aderir ao protesto da FAMURS

A paralisação vai acontecer neste quinta feira, dia 04/06 para solicitar agilidade na liberação de recursos para os municípios atingidos pela seca
A Federação das Associações de Municípios do Rio Grande do Sul realiza nesta quinta feira, dia 04/06 protesto com objetivo de sensibilizar o Governo Federal para que seja agilizada a liberação de recursos para os municípios atingidos pela seca . Já foram confirmados 40 milhões de reais para o Estado . As Prefeituras poderão investir principalmente na compra de equipamentos agrícolas e retroescavadeiras objetivando a perfuração , canalização e abertura de poços e açudes . A Presidente da Associação dos Municípios dos Campos de Cima da Serra Prefeita de Muitos Capões Mara Barcelos informa que AMUCSER não irá aderir a paralisação da FAMURS porque prejudicaria a população principalmente na área da saúde e no transporte escolar . Conforme critérios estabelecidos pelo Governo Federal o Município de Vacaria deverá receber em torno de 250 mil reais . O Prefeito Elói Poltronieri destaca que os recursos serão investidos na compra de uma retroescavadeira . Fazem parte da Amucser os municípios de Vacaria , Bom Jesus , São José dos Ausentes , Monte Alegre , Campestre , Ipê , Muitos Capões , Esmeralda , Pinhal da Serra , Capão Bonito do Sul e André da Rocha .

Rádio Fátima AM (Jornalismo)03/06/2009, 10h51
 criado por jornalnegritude     1:11:30 am — Arquivado em: Vacaria RS — Editar

Vacaria RS Registra Temperaturas Baixas

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Vacaria registra temperatura negativa

Na região houve formação de geada e os termômetros chegaram a -0,3°C
Apenas Vacaria, nos campos de cima da serra, teve mínima negativa, -0,3°C. Várias cidades da região, como Caxias do Sul, amanheceram com ocorrência de geada. Em Porto Alegre, a mínima foi de 4°C. A máxima na Capital pode chegar a 17°C.
O frio foi mais intenso em Santa Catarina e no Paraná. Pelo menos três cidades catarinenses tiveram mínimas negativas: Major Vieira (-3,9°C), Rio Nagrinho (-2,7°C) e Caçador (-2,6°C). No Paraná, a cidade de General Carneiro registrou - 5,3°C.
A massa de ar frio segue no Estado no final de semana, mas perde força lentamente. Mesmo assim, as noites seguem frias. Na sexta-feira, a temperatura deve ficar entre 2°C e 18°C, no sábado entre 3°C e 19°C, e no domingo entre 3°C e 20°C.
As informações são da
Rádio Fátima AM (Jornalismo)04/06/2009, 09h23
 criado por jornalnegritude     1:09:08 am — Arquivado em: Vacaria RS — Editar


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Stepan Contesta Interferência de Poderes
O vereador Stepan Nercessian fez um pronunciamento, na última quarta (27), reafirmando a importância da independência dos poderes Executivo e Legislativo. Segundo o parlamentar, o fato de dois projetos, um que cria a nota fiscal eletrônica e o outro que trata dos benefícios tributários para os call centers, receberem emendas do Poder Executivo caracteriza uma interferência de poderes, o que fere a Constituição.

COPPETEC Prepara Diagnóstico para Reforma Administrativa da Câmara.
A proposta do vereador Stepan Nercessian, acatada pela Mesa Diretora, de realizar um diagnóstico para a reforma administrativa da Câmara do Rio está em fase de finalização pela Fundação Coordenação de Projetos, Pesquisas e Estudos Tecnológicos (COPPETEC) da Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro.
PPS-RJ Realiza Congresso Estadual
O Diretório do PPS do Rio de Janeiro realizará o seu Congresso Estadual no próximo sábado (06), quando escolherá sua nova direção e definirá as teses que irá defender no XVI Congresso Nacional do partido. O encontro acontece das 9h às 15h, na Universidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro (UERJ). Já o Congresso Nacional acontecerá nos dias 7, 8 e 9 de agosto.
Exposição Mostra História da TV Brasileira
Com o apoio do vereador Stepan Nercessian, a Câmara de Vereadores promove até o dia 19 de junho, das 10h às 20h, no Saguão José do Patrocínio, a exposição ‘Marlene Morbeck – 40 anos da Televisão Brasileira’.

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from the Anti-Apartheid Wall Campaign
Newsletter 7 - June 3rd, 2009
Sorry! Last time this newsletter was sent out, many subscribers received the email several times (or more than several). This was on account of a problem with our software which we are working on fixing. In the meantime, if this happens again, we are sorry and are doing our best to get everything working correctly.
Stop the Wall on Vimeo: New video resources available
Ni’lin: Weekly protest against the Wall
Footage from the weekly demonstration in Ni’lin on 22.05.2009. Seven people were injured, among them one who was shot in the head with a tear gas round and another who was shot in the leg with live ammunition. Soldiers also arrested and beat Muhanid Ahmed Khawajeh. [MORE]
Arab Jahalin: Return to Tal Arad
Arab Jahalin: Return to Tal Arad is a documentary made up of a collection of interviews with members of the Jahalin, who narrate the histories and experiences from 1948 until the present. Since the Nakba, Occupation forces have expelled the Jahalin from a number of places, confiscating their lands for settlements. Now, the Wall threatens to permanently destroyed their way of life. [MORE]
Activists imprisoned, protests gain momentum
Imprisonment of anti-Wall activists
The remaining two prisoners from al-Ma’sara are still held without charge following another delay in their trial. In Ni’lin, the young man beaten and arrested during last Friday’s demonstration was released. And in the village of Jayyus, a young man faces up to three years in prison for participating in protests against the Wall in the village. [MORE]
“This is a dangerous phenomenon”
On May 1, people from al-Ma’sara and the neighboring villages in Bethlehem area commemorated Workers’ Day with a march protesting the Apartheid Wall. Five were arrested, and while three were released last Thursday, two brothers are still incarcerated. Mahmoud Zawahreh, one of the recently released, detailed the group’s experience. He explained the court proceedings and spoke about the group’s time in jail. [MORE]
Two brothers from Ma’sara still imprisoned
Hasan and Muhammed Brajiya remain imprisoned following their arrest at a May Day demonstration in al-Ma’sara. The Ma’sara arrests, along with the killing of Basem Abu Rahma in Bil’in and the recent injury of dozens of other Palestinians at demonstrations, are part of a wider crackdown against Palestinian villages protesting against the Wall. Immediate pressure must be brought to secure the release of the Brajiya brothers and to scrap any further fines, which ultimately serve to fund this unjust legal system. [MORE]
Bi’lin marks 40 days since Abu Rahma killing
Demonstrations in Ni’lin and Bi’lin were met with more violence this week. Five were injured in Ni’lin and three in Bi’lin, and dozens more suffered from tear gas that Occupation forces showered on the protests. Protestors in Bi’lin carried shields and posters of Basem Abu Rahma to mark the 40 days since his death. [MORE]
Al-Ma’sara demonstration continues to gain strength
Yesterday, like every Friday at al-Ma’sara, the weekly protest in this village near Bethlehem was met by armed soldiers who had blocked the village exit road with razor wire, denying the people their right to access their land. Around 80 people marched this week to show their support for al-Ma’sara’s struggle against the Wall. [MORE]
Third critical injury from tear gas canister in Ni’lin
Occupation forces have shown no change in their increasingly violent response to the weekly demonstrations in Ni’lin and Bil’in against the Apartheid Wall. 15 people were injured, among them Mustafa ‘Amira, who was critically wounded after being shot in the head with a tear gas canister. Soldiers also arrested another young man, who was beaten severely in custody. [MORE]
Imprisonment of activists fails to stop al-Ma’sara protests
Some 100 people protested in al-Ma’sara on Friday against the construction of the Wall on their lands and demanded the release of the activists from the village popular committee still held in Occupation jails. The Ma’sara demonstrations have inspired similar actions in the nearby village of Artas, where villagers planted trees this week in defiance of confiscation orders. [MORE]
In photos - Moving the Wall in Jayyus
On May 1, the Wall was moved in Jayyus. Villagers turned out to celebrate, finally able to walk on land that has been isolated for years. But with the Wall still standing, soldiers will maintain control over the majority of village land while movement, social ties and economic activity will continue to deteriorate. The struggle will continue until the Wall is destroyed and every stolen dunum returned. [MORE]
Home demolitions and land confiscation
April in Jerusalem
In the month of March, four homes were demolished in Jerusalem, displacing four families totaling 26 people. The residents of Jabl al-Mukabr, for instance, saw one house destroyed in the neighborhood as well as the issuing of several new demolition orders. Settlement work also continued in Jabl al-Mukabr, where Occupation forces are creating a new settlement in the heart of the community. To the east of Jerusalem, 12,000 dunums were confiscated to further tie major settlement blocs together. [MORE]
Homes destroyed while settlements expand in Nablus, Jordan Valley
In the past month, the expansion of settlements and related infrastructure has continued. Lands were confiscated in Nablus for the expansion of settler roads as well as for settlement expansion. Also in Nablus, five Palestinian homes were destroyed in the village of ‘Aqraba. Most recently, Occupation authorities authorized the construction of a new settlement in the Jordan Valley. [MORE]
300 dunums confiscated west of Jenin
More land has been confiscated from the village of Ya’bad in the northern West Bank. Ya’bad and the surrounding communities have already lost thousands of dunums with the construction of the Wall around the Rehan, Shaqed and Hinnanit settlements, and the most recent confiscation will sever more residents from their livelihoods. [MORE]
New analysis - If Abbas were to take the settlement freeze seriously
On May 28th the long awaited meeting between Obama and Mahmoud Abbas took place. While the media hailed the profound understanding between the two, a closer look reveals that the meeting is yet another lost opportunity for Palestinians to assert their rights. The failure of the Americans to set deadlines and inaction of the PNA only serves Israeli interests, allowing for the entrenchment of the major settlement blocs in the West Bank. [MORE]
Worldwide Activism
New York and Ottawa protest Leonard Cohen’s Tel Aviv gig
Leonard Cohen’s plans to play a show in Tel Aviv have drawn the ire of BDS activists around the world, as the renowned musician has faced protests in several cities demanding that he cancel the concert. Cohen began a six-month long world tour beginning in North America in April, and ending in Tel Aviv on September 24th. [MORE]
Protestors in the UK remove Israeli produce from shelves
On May 17 a group of Londoners joined in protest against the sale by British supermarkets of Israeli goods and produce from settlements. The action took place in a West London Tesco. The group assembled around a trolley full of goods labelled ‘produce of Israel’, explaining the issues around the sale of Israeli goods to the public, alternating facts and chants, drawing the attention of both customers and staff. [MORE]
In recent months, the Israeli arms trade has been the target of numerous BDS actions; notably, in India, Italy, and the UK. In India, the CPI (M) continued to pressure the government to end military dealings while in the UK, as a result both of work from arms trade activists and the Gaza massacres, government officials have decided to review military ties with Occupation forces. And in Rome, unionists protested against arms trade cooperation between Italy and the Israeli military.
Adverts wiping Palestine off the map removed after protest
Advertisements featuring a map advertising all of historic Palestine as an Israeli tourist attraction are being removed from the London tube, following massive pressure and complaints. These maps mirror Occupation practices on the ground, which include the annexation of touristic sites across the West Bank and their incorporation into settlement industry. [MORE]
Protesting Leviev, remembering Abu Rahma on Mother’s Day
On the day before Mother’s Day, 40 New York human rights advocates gathered at the Leviev jewelry store on Madison Avenue and called on throngs of weekend Madison Avenue shoppers to boycott Israeli diamond mogul Lev Leviev over his companies’ construction settlements on Palestinian land in West Bank villages including Bil’in and Jayyus. Mother’s Day is one of the biggest jewelry shopping periods in the US annually. The New York protest came as controversy is growing in Norway over Norwegian government investments in Leviev’s company Africa-Israel. The New York protesters also commemorated Basem Abu Rahma from Bil’in who was killed last month at a protest against the Wall, which is isolating land from the village for the Leviev-financed Mattityahu East settlement. [MORE]
Visit the Anti-Apartheid Wall Campaign web site.
 criado por jornalnegritude     12:56:40 am — Arquivado em: Sem categoria — Editar


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